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الأحد، 15 ديسمبر 2013

What is the treatment of Down Syndrome child Mongolian countries in Europe...... Cry Hani Khalifa ... صــــرخة هاني خليفة

childbirth and lactation, and recent studies have expBackground: Oxytocin is a hormone most commonly associated with lored its role in maternal, romantic, and social bonding. For instance, when given oxytocin through the nose, typically developing adults showed improvement in eye contact, trust, and reading emotions from facial expressions.
What’s New: On December 2, 2013, the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (PNAS) published a paper exploring the cognitive effects of oxytocin in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). In a randomized, double-blind study, the researchers assigned 17 children aged eight to 16.5 to receive a single oxytocin nasal spray or a placebo. Brain scans of children in the treatment arm showed increased activity in certain areas of the brain when the researchers asked them to assess expression in photos of eyes. The brain areas with increased activity included those associated with motivation, higher information processing, sleep, decision-making, and social perception. Activity of the same brain areas decreased in participants who received oxytocin when they were asked to categorize images of automobiles.
تعريفة ..
هو طفل متأخر في النمو العقلي و الجسماني وهو اكثر عيوب
الكروموسومات حدوثا في الأطفال فهو يظهر في طفل من كل
650 مولود في المتوسط و هذا المرض نتيجة وجود نسخة زائدة
من كروموسوم رقم 21 في الطفل ففي الطفل الطبيعي توجد
الكروموسومات على هيئة ازواج عدده 23 زوج و بالتالي يكون
العدد الإجمالى 46 آما في حالة الطفل الداون فيكون
العدد 47 نتيجة وجود النسخة الزائدة من الكروموزوم رقم

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